Send Parcel

Make Post-Purchase the Best Part of the Customer Experience

Delight your customers with automated tracking to increase brand loyalty and drive higher business results

Get started - it's free
Elevate brand recognition

Enable customers to use your branded custom tracking page to track their order instead of directing them to the courier's website

Improve customer engagement

Enhance customer experience with immersive tracking pages, which customers visit an average of 2.6 times per shipment

Increase repeat customers

Generate more sales by using personalized marketing materials and recommending relevant products to customers

Customize Your Tracking Page

Our user-friendly tracking page offers customizable for a seamless package tracking experience from start to finish, with real-time updates on the status of your shipment

Customers visit tracking page an average of 2.6x per order

Increase turnover with personalized marketing assets and product recommendations

Improved Brand Recognition

Sellers can utilize brand tracking pages to showcase their brand to customers at key points in the customer buying journey. This presents an opportunity to leave a positive impression on customers and enhance the overall customer experience

Enhanced Customer Experience

A branded tracking page can foster repeat business by creating an enjoyableand memorable post-purchase experience that encourages customers to return

Increased Customer Engagement

The creation of a branded tracking page that offers an enjoyable and unforgettable post-purchase experience can lead to customer return, ultimately encouraging repeat business for the company

Potential for Repeat Business

Creating a branded tracking page provides an enjoyable and unforgettable post- purchase experience that increases repeat customers and ultimately helps the company repeat business

Valuable Marketing Asset

For businesses, a branded tracking page can be a valuable marketing asset, as it provides an opportunity to engage with customers and reinforce their brand throughout the post-purchase journey